Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two Shows, One Fall

This fall I am in two different shows: Assassins and the Nutcracker.

Assassins is being put on by the St. Mark's Players. I am in a few different scenes, but I always play the son of an assassin. In my main scene I delay my mom from trying to kill President Ford by whining and screaming about money to buy ice cream. In my audition last week I met the director, Kevin, and I had to read through that scene. My first rehearsal was yesterday and it was really fun.

I am also in the Nutcracker which is put on by the Washington Ballet. I am a party child. In yesterday's first rehearsal they put us in lines and measured and compared us to the other kids. I was put into the Elegant Family. This is my third year in the Nutcracker and I was in the Elegant Family last year. I'm the bigger brother this year. There are too many Nutcracker rehearsals -- I have another three hour one again this afternoon.

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